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Self-development of youth workers and self-assessment

About the course

This topic  is going to be about evaluation, what is evaluation, what are the phases of evaluation, how do we plan evaluation in youth work and what are the elements that need to be taken into consideration when doing the evaluation.


Your Instructors

Katja Kolenc, Kristjan Veber, Samanta Hadžić Žavski

Mcc Celjski Mladinski Center , creators of the educational material you are seeing on this page, have many years in creating content and events for youngsters largely due to their in-house youth center.

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The self-assessment questionnaire for youth workers includes sections evaluating skills in mentoring, communication, and professional development, using a graded response format.


"Self Development of Youth Workers" discusses the crucial role of youth workers in empowering young people and details educational opportunities in Europe. It also addresses ethical standards in youth work, professional qualification recognition, and practical applications in different countries, using Slovenia as a case study.


"Self Assessment of Youth Workers" focuses on the role of self-evaluation in enhancing the effectiveness of youth workers. It covers types, timing, and methods of evaluation and the benefits of self-assessment in learning and development. The presentation also provides practical tools and recommendations for conducting effective self-assessments.

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