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Terms of Use


Welcome to the DiGi YOUTH Work hub!

These Terms of Use regulate the relations between the DiGi YOUTH partnership and visitors/registered users on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub regardless of being organisations or natural persons. 


Any visitor of the DiGI YOUTH Work hub is entitled to access the information published on it under the conditions set forth. By browsing our Work hub, you (as visitor) agree to the Terms of Use in the parts concerning the visitors. If you do not agree with the provisions of this document, please do not access and/or use the hub.

If you are about to complete your registration on the hub, you need to explicitly agree to the following Terms of Use, in order to use the services accessible to registered users. Once you complete your registration you will enter into a contract with the DiGi YOUTH partnership for the services provided on our Work hub in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use. 


The DiGi YOUTH partnership is an international partnership, which unites the following organizations under the coordination of the European Dialogue (Slovakia), Higher Incubator Giving Growth And Sustainability (Greece), YASAR University (Turkey), the Future Now Association (Bulgaria).  

Our services 

Our mission is to support and improve the innovation and capacity of the European youth work community by creating a networking platform for sharing good digital youth work practices around Europe and beyond. Therefore, we have developed the following services and resources to both visitors and registered users: 

  • Access to the uploaded resources in the section “Manuals”, which are developed by the DiGi YOUTH partnership

  • Access to Simulation game

  • Access to an Interactive map with best/good practices. This section of the Hub contains links to external resources. 

  • Access to resources on the Media corner. This section of the hub might contain links to external resources.  

  • Access to registration for events.

  • Access to the content of the DiGi YOUTH Forum.


Services, available only to registered users:

  • Registered users are entitled to maintain public profiles for the purposes of building a DiGi YOUTH Network. 

  • Registered users are allowed to participate in conversations and discussions by posting and deleting their own comments on the Forum. 

  • Registered users can create and delete topics for discussion. 

  • Registered users may suggest new best/good practices on the Interactive map/List of resources. Their publication in the “List of Resources” is subject to prior approval by the admins of the DiGI YOUTH partnership.

All services provided on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub are free of charge. 

We do not bear responsibility if you cannot access the hub due to problems, which are not in our control. 

Account and use of the services  

You can create a user account in your personal capacity or as representative of an organisation. To do so, you need to fill in the registration form, available under the “Network” section, by completing the mandatory fields – name, password, country, which will be associated with your account  registration, and by agreeing to the current Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Once you submit your application, you will receive an email to activate your account. 

The active account allows you to complete your public profile to the extent you want to. Through your public profile other users will be able to interact with you. 

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You must not give access to your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account.

The access to your account shall be suspended under the condition provided for in these Terms of Use. 

Your rights and obligations

All visitors are entitled to access the content available on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub for the aims and purposes, which are in alignment with the DiGi YOUTH project’s objectives or for any other non-profit purpose, as long as the usage of the information respects the intellectual property rights over it. We shall not tolerate any usage of the hub with commercial purposes. 

Once you complete the registration you will have access to all services available to registered users, including posting comments and suggesting new resources as good/best practices. In doing so, you undertake not to upload/post/share any content, including links to resources that might: 

  • be unlawful, misleading, discriminatory, or fraudulent;

  • contain pornographic or sexual character;

  • violate or breach someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights and legitimate interests;

  • be harmful to the good name, honour or dignity of someone else;

  • violate the applicable laws including these Terms of use;

  • encourage unlawful behaviour which calls for violence, humiliation, hatred, terrorism, or any other undemocratic ideology;

  • contain political or religious propaganda.

We can remove any content that is in breach of these provisions. 

Each content suggested by you under the section “Best Practices” shall undergo an approval review by the admins of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub. Only content that meets the following conditions shall be made public:

  • the suggested content respects the provisions of these Terms of Use;

  • the suggested content is accessible in language that allows the partnership to undertake an approval check without any extraordinary efforts or expenses;

  • the suggested content is in alignment with the purposes of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub and project;

  • the suggested content is relevant, of good quality, value and in a form that technically allows to be uploaded on the hub; 

  • the suggested content is not already part of the “List of Resources”.

You must not perform any malicious action that may compromise the functioning of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub, including uploading viruses or malicious code, or do anything that could disable, overburden or impair the proper working of the hub. 

You have the right to deactivate your profile, without any explanation or prior notice, through the profile functions at your disposal. 

You have the right to request a termination of your registration, which will lead to the anonymization of all the content posted, uploaded or shared by you. 

You have the right to unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, by sending email to the following address:

You have all the rights, as listed in our Privacy policy. 

Our rights and obligations 

Each Partner of the DiGi YOUTH partnership has the right and responsibility to administer the Work hub. 

We do not guarantee that the information accessible on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub is accurate, correct, and errorless.

We may terminate your registration without prior notice and at our sole discretion if we consider that your behaviour violates the current Terms of Use or the applicable law or in case we receive information that your behaviour in the use of our services may constitute a crime or an administrative violation. In the latter case, we are entitled to approach the competent state authorities and to provide them the necessary cooperation. Admins shall suspend the access to your user account as well as shall have the right to delete or anonymise any content posted, uploaded or shared by you via this account. 

If we receive a claim from a third person that a content uploaded on the Work hub violates their intellectual property rights, we may suspend the access to such content until the settlement of such dispute or the receipt of an order from a competent state authority.

We reserve the right to restrict or suspend the provision of particular services, accessible through the DiGi YOUTH Work hub by giving a notice on the relevant web page at the DiGI YOUTH Work hub.

We can add references and links to external resources (websites), which are out of our control.  In such cases, we do not accept responsibility for the availability, quality of the external content, truthfulness and conformity with the law of such websites and resources. 

Intellectual property

The intellectual work of the DiGi YOUTH partnership under the sections Manuals and Simulation game are published as Open Educational Resources, which means that you are free to access and use it for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes.

The source code of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub and simulation game are subject to copyright of the DiGi YOUTH partnership. 

As you have access to various contents and resources, external to the DiGi YOUTH Work hub, the intellectual property rights on these materials are subject to protection pursuant to the applicable law and are held by the respective holder. The reference to those resources cannot be deemed as granting any right to use such resources in violation to their copyright license. 


We will exercise due diligence in providing our services to you and will apply appropriate measures for keeping a safe and error-free functioning of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub. We do not guarantee that the services provided free of charge will satisfy your requirements. We do not accept responsibility for any damages that might be incurred by you in the course of the use of the services, unless such losses are caused by us intentionally or due to gross negligence. We do not accept responsibility for losses caused by events beyond our reasonable control.

We do not commit to any deadlines for updating the information on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub, unless stated otherwise. 

You (regardless of being visitor or registered user) agree to indemnify and hold harmless the DiGi Youth partnership as a whole, its members and representatives from any and all claims or demands, including penalty payments, reasonable attorneys fees, made by any third party related to your breach of these Terms of Use or the applicable laws or violation of the rights of any third party. This obligation shall remain in effect even after the termination of registration, including after the termination of the activity and existence of the DiGi YOUTH Work hub itself.

Personal Data Protection

In order to complete your registration, you need to read and agree with our Privacy policy. Please refer to it, for any issues related to data protection. 

Account termination. Termination of the Contract

Besides the cases stipulated in the present Terms of Use, the contract between the parties shall be terminated under the following circumstances:

  • the support of the DiGi YOUTH Work Hub is ceased;

  • upon mutual consent of the parties - you are entitled to terminate your registration by applying a request to the partnership;

  • in other cases, as provided by law.

Updating our Terms of Use

The DiGi YOUTH Work hub is developed in accordance with the Description of action under Agreement No 2019-3-SK02-KA205-002312, which pre-defines our services. However, our team shall continue its work to improve the provided services, where deemed necessary.

In case such improvements or changes in the applicable law necessitate the update of present Terms of Use, we shall inform you about any introduced amendments via email and by publishing the new version on the DiGi YOUTH Work hub. We will only make changes if the provisions are no longer appropriate or if they are incomplete. Such notifications will be sent no later than 7 days as of the date of the adoption of the amendments. 

Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use our services.If not specified otherwise, the new Terms shall enter into force 20 days after the update notification, unless the changes are required by law. You will have the right to terminate your contract with the partnership respectively. 

Additional provisions

The Terms of Use shall be governed by Slovak law and for all matters not settled by the present Terms of Use, the provisions of the Slovak legislation in force shall apply.

You agree that any dispute or claim relating in any way to your use of our Work hub will be resolved amicably and in good faith, through negotiations and mutual concessions. If an agreement cannot be reached you agree that the dispute shall be resolved by binding arbitration rather than in court.


The present Terms of Use are adopted by all Partners acting jointly as the DiGi YOUTH partnership.   


Date of the latest version – 30.11.2020.

Digital Youth Work

This project was funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme under Grant Agreement 2022-1-SK02-KA220-YOU-000088662 and 2019-3-SK02-KA205-002312.The content of this platform represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility.The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information contained in this platform.

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