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Ethics in digital youth work

Druhy materiálov

Audio, Quiz

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O kurze

Ethics refers to a set of principles and values that guide moral behaviour and decision-making. It involves making choices that are morally right, fair, and just, and taking into account the potential impact on others. Acting in accordance with ethics is important for the development of a society characterised by dignity, respect, and well-being. In the context of digital youth work, ethics are particularly important as it involves working with young people in online spaces where they may be vulnerable to harm, exploitation, and abuse. Ethical considerations in digital youth work include issues related to privacy, consent, safety, and inclusivity.

Váš inštruktor

Denisa Karabova, Monika Kmetova, Martin Maska

European Dialogue has a long experience in digital youth work and on the topic of ethics. Combining the expertise of Dr. Karabova, Dr. Kmetova , and Mr Maska, you can have access to carefully curated content for youth workers to work with youngsters!

Denisa Karabova, Monika Kmetova, Martin Maska

This audiobook provides insights into ethics that applies to youth work in the digital space. It introduces you into main terms, concepts, rules, and issues. Some of them may be already subject to legal action due to the criminal nature of the behaviour. Although it’s focused on youth workers, the content is useful for young people as well.

You can visit the quiz on European Dialogue :

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Tento projekt bol financovaný z programu Európskej únie Erasmus+ na základe grantovej zmluvy KA220-YOU-5B3F9504 a 2019-3-SK02-KA205-002312. Obsah tejto platformy predstavuje iba názory autorov a je ich výhradnou zodpovednosťou. Európska komisia nepreberá žiadnu zodpovednosť za použitie informácií obsiahnutých v tejto platforme.

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