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DiGi YOUTH Work Manual

DiGi YOUTH Work Manual prepares youth workers and organisations to embrace the opportunities and be ready for requirements and challenges related to the use of various digital technologies in their activities. Based on a set of knowledge and professional experiences, the Work Manual facilitates the development of competences needed to successfully plan and deliver quality and inclusive digital youth work. It provides the readers with many useful insights into reůevant topics, tips and recommendations, and carefully selected examples of good practices from Europe and beyond. Moreover, the Work manual is here to help representatives of the youth organisations create or improve their relevant strategies or plans, and make the organisations themselves more innovative and inclusive.

DiGi YOUTH Work Manual also pays attention to the methodology of the simulation games and summarises the competences to be acquired by youth workers and organisations’ staff through DiGi YOUTH events and products. Digital youth work Social media, video-sharing platforms, online games, technology gadgets – this is the world of young people now. Interaction with youth has changed rapidly – face-to-face is being substituted more and more by online and virtual communication. If you are a youth worker today, it is extremely important to adapt quickly to the digital environment in order to be able to continue your activities and be more effective in working with young people.

Digital media and technology have transformed entirely the way youth communicates and learns. They can be a significant part of your training, capacity, and everyday activities with young people. Is digital youth work so different from traditional youth work? In short, no! Digital youth work should still take the same approach to youth work in a physical setting. It is about taking what you do offline and moving it into an online or virtual context, this might mean doing things differently but fundamentally, it is still youth work

DiGi YOUTH Work and Media manuals will guide you through the process in gaining the necessary knowledge and competences to become expert in providing digital youth work. Let’s do it together! Digital youth work has the same purposes as traditional youth work, it uses similar, but also its own specific tools in a digital environment, transforming recognised youth work practices working in online space such as:

Digital Youth Work

This project was funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme under Grant Agreement 2022-1-SK02-KA220-YOU-000088662 and 2019-3-SK02-KA205-002312.The content of this platform represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility.The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information contained in this platform.

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